Wholesale Natural Fruit Snacks

Handmade, healthy & delicious snacks for your customers! At Chella, we search the far corners of the world to discover the most unique snacks on earth. 


Our products are available in a variety of flavors and work together to appeal to a wide range of consumers.
Explore our product catalog by clicking below.

Retail Success

Online Success

Market Success

Brand Recognition


Retail Success

  • Current Stores

    Currently in over 25 stores across North America with consistent sales.
  • Retention Rate

    100% retention rate with all of our retailers.
  • Reach New Demographics

    Appeal to new customers by offering our unique products.

Online Success

  • Traffic

    Receive an average of 15,000 website visitors per month.
  • Customer Satisfaction

    Backed by over 3,000 satisfied customers with 200+ five-star reviews.
  • Feature

    Get featured on our “Store Locator”. Click here.

Market Success

  • Brand Reach

    Attended over 180 farmers markets across British Columbia in 2023.
  • Product Demand

    Sold over 15,000 units in our first market season.
  • Vancouver Christmas Market

    Participants at the 2023 Vancouver Christmas Market.

Brand Recognition

  • Local Media

    Featured in the Vancouver Sun.
  • Industry

    Participants at various high profile trade shows such as “From the Ground Up” and “Planted Expo”.
  • Online

    Receive a feature on our Instagram with your first order. Please inquire upon your order.

Our Vision

At Chella, we believe in sharing natural alternatives to processed sweets. Our products are inspired by traditional recipes from all around the world, and are made locally in British Columbia with zero-waste practices.

Become a Retailer!

If you would like to become a retailer today and stock our products in your store, please contact us using this form.

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